Accurate classification of pulmonary nodules by a combined model of clinical, imaging, and cell-free DNA methylation biomarkers: a model development and external validation study was published in The Lancet Digital Health (impact factor: 30.8).
Accurate classification of pulmonary nodules by a combined model of clinical, imaging, and cell-free DNA methylation biomarkers: a model development and external validation study was published in The Lancet Digital Health (impact factor: 30.8).
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Accurate detection of early-stage lung cancer using a panel of circulating cell-free DNA methylation biomarkers published in the internationally renowned academic journal Biomarker Research (Impact factor: 11.1)
Accurate detection of early-stage lung cancer using a panel of circulating cell-free DNA methylation biomarkers published in the internationally renowned academic journal Biomarker Research (Impact factor: 11.1)
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"Accurate diagnosis of pulmonary nodules using a non-invasive DNA methylation test" was published in the internationally renowned academic journal, Journal of Clinical Investigation (Impact Factor (IF): 15.9)
The study jointly completed by 14 research centers, including AnchorDx, The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University (the team of Prof. Jianxing He/Prof. Wenhua Liang), The Affiliated First Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University (the team of Prof. Chao Cheng), and The Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University (the team of Prof. Fenglei Yu), was published on an internationally renowned academic journal, "The Journal of Clinical Investigation" (IF: 15.9).
"Circulating cell-free DNA-based methylation patterns for breast cancer diagnosis" was published in npj Breast Cancer (Impact factors: 5.9)
The results of the study were co-authored by AnchorDx and Professor Pang Da of the Affiliated Cancer Hospital of Harbin Medical University, and published in the Nature subsidiary journal npj Breast Cancer (Impact factors: 5.9) (First Region of the Chinese Academy of Sciences), demonstrating for the first time that peripheral blood free DNA methylation detection is comparable to, or even exceeds, mammography in the diagnosis of breast cancer.