《Urine DNA methylation assay enables early detection and recurrence monitoring for bladder cancer》发表于国际知名学术期刊JCI(影响因子:15.9)
基准医疗与与中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院林天歆及黄健课题组在国际知名学术期刊《The Journal of Clinical Investigation》(影响因子:15.9)发表了 《Urine DNA methylation assay enables early detection and recurrence monitoring for bladder cancer》的临床研究论文。
《Non-invasive diagnosis of early-stage lung cancer using high-throughput targeted DNA methylation sequencing of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA)》发表于《Theranostics》 (影响因子:12.4)
基准医疗与广州医科大学附属第一医院何建行教授/梁文华教授团队在《Theranostics》(影响因子:12.4)发表了 《Non-invasive diagnosis of early-stage lung cancer using high-throughput targeted DNA methylation sequencing of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA)》的文章。
《DNA methylation markers that correlate with occult lymph node metastases of non-small cell lung cancer and a preliminary prediction model》发表于《Translational lung cancer research》(影响因子4.0)
基准医疗与广州医科大学附属第一医院何建行教授/梁文华教授团队《Translational lung cancer research》(影响因子4.0)发表《DNA methylation markers that correlate with occult lymph node metastases of non-small cell lung cancer and a preliminary prediction model》
《Noninvasive Lung Cancer Early Detection via Deep Methylation Representation Learning》被AAAI下属的全球人工智能顶级学术会议(第36届AAAI'22)收录
基准医疗与南开大学联合共建的医学数据研究中心提交的重量级学术论文被人工智能促进协会AAAI(Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence)下属的全球人工智能顶级学术会议,第36届AAAI'22收录。